Saturday, 22 September 2012

Digital Technology

Throughout the whole of my project, I will be using technology to help me create my short film, help me with recording my information and thoughts and to evlaute at the end. The main piece of technology that I will be using is Blogger.

I will mainly being using Blogger throughout my projecy because I will be displaying everything on there based around the short film that me and zoe are manking. Blogger is a website that lets you create your own account, allowing you to post comments ands videos, which benefits me when as its shows the progression I will be making all through to the end evaluations. I will be using Blogger to show my progressions mainly because I have used it before and am very knowledged about how to use the website. I will also be using it as it allows me post videos, pictures and other types of presentational programs which allows my blog to be more exciting to read. The only down side to Blogger is that is it very reliant on internet access, which could cause problems for some people.

However to allow me to use programs like Blogger, I need some sort of computer to enable me to access the programs I miss to help me create and plan my short film. I will be using technology like laptops and iMacs very often, as they allow me to reach these sites and have very effiecent and benefical sites and programes.

I could potentially use programes like 'Pages' which is on the iMacs to help me create call sheets for the actors and assistants, because I will be able to set the text out easily and it will be much neater than using a pen and paper; this will avoid mistake and confusion.
Same with programs on a laptop, like 'Microsoft Word' or even 'Powerpoint Presentation', as I can editted the text, change them into color, add pictures and theres plenty of space for big amounts of writing just one slide. This will allow text to be neat and tidily produced to avoid confusion and unwanted mistakes. I could also use 'Paint' on a laptop to allow me to create a story broad, however I think Id much rather draw it by hand, as I've never properly practiced how to draw on a laptop.


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