Monday, 8 April 2013

Evaluation 1

I have put together a slideshow to show what conventions I followed and challenged; this was through the stages of my film.

Conventions I have followed, Developed or challenged..
After producing and creating a slide show oresentatio, I thought it would be useful to show the different stages of my film through screen shots. This will be supported on how I challenged and followed conventions as well.

One convention of a thriller movie is a symbolic code of location. As we kept it based at school, the same as Lovely Bones, which holds an atmosphere of young, naive children that are almost oblvious to bad things happening. I also thought this would be very effective as it hightens the audience anticipation, mostly because there's so many children in a school the killer could chose and the audience want to know who, whilst hoping they react to his appearance.


We also seen in the film Lovely Bones the strong connection between Susie ad her family as you can see from the top picture. After watching the film myself, I felt myself feeling sympathy for Susie as I knew from the beginning of the film, that something bad was going to happen to her and a possiblity that she would be snatched away from her family. As I wanted to based certain aspects of my film on Lovely Bones, I thoought it was be very suitable to create this same feeling and feature mainly because Lilly is being snatched away from her normal life and including this creates a sense of happiness and love, leaving more sympathy for the audience to build up. Using a midshot in our film, shows clearly the stronge friendship and senses of happiness as Lilly is smiling and hugging her friend.

The technical code of conventions I used here was a mid shot focusing on a black mak. This is a key feature I purposely used throughout the filming as the color mak suggests a dark and evil person, and if I used a different colour for the mak, it wouldn't of gave the same symbolic code that the black colour suggests, which could of actually confused the audience at the start of the film.

I also concentrated deeply here, on the eye contact and expression on the killers face; this strongly suggests that the killer has his eyes set on his next victim and also builds up audience connections and iinvolved the audience as the victim is unaware, however the audience use these hints to put two and two together. This type of camera shot is used a lot in the genre of this type of film, meaning it would be beenficially if I used it too to keep coventions.

Harvey, from the Lovely Bones also uses this eye contract to hint to the audience that he is looking at his next victim. As you can see from the picture above and to the left, his eyes and face expression is very much similar to the killer in my short film. From the picture above, there is a slightly bright ray of light overlapping his eyes; this suggests straight away he is fixed on his victim and having the rest of his body dark, suggests the evil he has inside of him. This is also a symboli code of convention that I
concentrated on in my film having the set of most of the plot being dark, which I think reallyworks as it suggests bad things are going to happen.

As you can see from the picture above, the angle of this camera work is a low shot, either suggesting that the victim is looking up at him or symbolising that he is in control and has the power of his victim. In my short film, I have done the exact same code of convention with my killer, as the victim is tied and taped up it suggests she is powerless and he has all control over her. As you can see from the picture to the left that is from my film, the face expression and eye contract he is giving his victim suggets bad things will happening, with a darl and dull background supporting this idea.


I have then reinforced this idea the opposite way round and basing it on the victim, involving a techniquical code of convention with the camera shot leveled higher; this picture here to the left is taken from 'Along came a spider' which is very similar to the plot of my short film. The symbolic convention I used here was the deep  fear and concentration shown on the talents face, with the camera shot being at a more higher level, suggesting a techniqical code; this showns someone could be empowering them or controlling what they are doing. I wanted to make sure I used this same feautre in my short film, mainly because it creates sympathy and inticipation for the audience, as they want the victim to get away however they have this great deal of control from there and the likelihood of getting away is little. As you can see from the image taken from my short film, the same idea has been done. The victim is showing a huge amount of fear in her face within the midshot and at the same time the camera shot is slightly leveled higher to support this techniqical code of convention.

In the Lovely Bones, they show a stronger techniqical code of cnventions in the picture to the left, as the camera shot is much more leveled higher with the victim lookimg up; this shows that the victim is overpowered by her killer but also conveys the idea of looking up to something higher and taller than her, meaning she is faced with someone that is much more powerful then her. I have tried to do this successfully in my short film, however it didn't work out exactly the same as this high angle shot, but I could develop this idea further if I had more time on my short film.

Above is the image taken from my short film, using this same idea. I think it links to the same idea as the two other images above as it focuses on the symbolic code of convention of fear in the talents face, however I think it concentrates more on a close up of her face to sbhow the audience exactly what this killer is doing to her; this idea is used a lot in this typically genre of film, so I thought it would be very effective using this particular camera shot on top of using the same conventions as the images above.

 The camera shot shown in both of these images from the Lovely Boens are a symbolic code of conventions. It is known to be symbolical as the lighting shown in this mid shot is coming from one side of the face, meaning the other side of her face has a shadow. I think this camerashot is very effective as it suggests two main things, these are that the victim could be in great danger or she could be close to being killed, meaning the light is representing heaven. This is shown stongly in the picture of Susie below on the left, as it shows more clearly that the light is more behind her on the right hand side; this could suggest she is walking into that light representing death and heaven.

As you can see from the image taken from 'Abduct', I have kept conventions of a dark and dull mise en scene, symbolising a code of conventions as it suggests she is in danger, however to develop this I could of tried reinforcing this shadow of light idea that Lovely Bones has developed. I could of had my talent side lit to keep conventions of this symbolic code.


I have purposely used this camera shot here, as it is a technical code of conventions; this is because of the tools you can see in the shot, above the victims head, which suggest and represent the ways the victim may die or the way she has been abducted. I think this is a really effective camera shot to include, as I dont want my audience to see how my victim died, I purposely wanted them to work it out for themslves so no explicit content was involved. This is a prime conentions of a thriller film, as the age content doesn't allow explicit footage and supports strongly with the film
'Along came a spider' and the image is shown below.



I have also purposely created the same effect that the film, nosferatu did, with the murders shadow against the wall; this is a really good camera shot mainly because it builds up tensions and antipation on want this person is going to do and if the victim will get away in time before he gets to the top of the stairs. I think the conventin I produced below to the left, challenges conventions slightly mainly because its the shadow of the murder at a particular time but it's actually his figure of his body not a shadow, suggesting that the shot is realistic and really happening. As a whole, I think I have challenged conventions, mainly because I don't show what happens to the victim at the end of the film, either if she dies or if she gets away. As the voice over says at the end of the end of the film, ' And that's when I died' it suggests the victim dies but the audience doesn't see how she dies; this means that I challenge conventions mainly because the audience wants to see how she died, but they are left disequilibrium. I also challenge conventions, because this genre mostly end there film on a positive resolvalution and like to know that the victim is safe and gets away from the killer.

In the Lovely bones, the same type of shot was used, however as a high ankle shot looking up towards the killer. I could of developed this technical code of conventions in my short film, as it suggests that the murder is looking at his victim and showing he is in power


I've also used a strong convention in this shot, showing the killer following his victim; this was very significant to use mainly because it builds sympathy and anticipation for the audience, as they can see this happening, but the victim can't. This suggests that the victim id naive and oblivious, which helps to create sympathy towards her.
On top of this, I have also based this scene in a graveyard, following a symbolic code of convention. Basing the scene where the killer will take and abduct the victim is a really good way of suggesting something bad is going to happen to her without having to show what happens to the victim in a explicit way. We see in the Lovely Bones that the same scene is not used in a graveyard but a corn field, which also allows the same feeling to occur as the location is abandoned and creepy.


Finally, I have used a typically symbolic code of convention for my ending title. This was important to use to allow the audience to see the title, but more importantly to maintain a black on white colour scheme. By doing this, it suggest danger and fear, which supports the genre of my film.
This has also been used in the Lovely Bone, which maintains the feeling of a bad ending and danger.

After watching 'Along came a spider', the same idea was used here on a black background, however using hte colour red instead. This was a good idea and I could of used this convention in my film, as it suggests death and possibly 'blood', which would support a bad ending in my film. The fading of the colour red also could suggest that the the film could contain gory and bad contents.

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